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The Advantages of Hybrid Workspaces and How to Establish Them
In 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic first hit, many companies transformed their operations to allow professionals and office workers to do their jobs from their homes, In May 2020, one-third of all U.S. workers were working remotely compared with 6% before the pandemic. Once workers were deemed able to return to their workplaces, however, not…
The Downsides of Accepting a Counteroffer
When you receive an attractive job offer from a new company, it is a common practice to go to your existing supervisor and share this news with them. Intending to leave your job after appropriate notice and take the new, better position is a natural move. In some cases, though, the supervisor will make a…
The Past Two Years Were Weird – Here’s How You Can Explain Employment Gaps
An employment gap–a time during your work history when you were not employed–can be one of the most challenging hurdles in the interview process. Employment gaps used to be seen as a big problem for workers, but COVID-19 and a number of other life situations have made these gaps more common and acceptable to employers….
Emotional Intelligence – What Is It, and Why Is It a Desirable Trait?
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